Cardiophany of the Sacred Heart


An unprecedented book presents biological & theological reflections on the human development of Christ, interwoven with the liturgical calendar, papal writings, & dialogue with EWTN’s Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ.


Divine Mercy in the Womb

Embracing the Life and First Heartbeat of Jesus in the Womb of the Virgin Mary

An unprecedented work and extraordinary encounter with Jesus Christ living in the womb of the Virgin Mary! Based on Edmonds’ 2012-13 newspaper series Via Gaudéte With Christ in the Womb published in the One Voice by Bishop Robert Baker, STD, Diocese of Birmingham, the book presents biological & theological reflections on the human development of Christ, interwoven with the liturgical calendar, papal writings, & dialogue with EWTN’s Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ. Framed in historical theology, modern science, and relational wisdom of a mother’s heart, this “pilgrimage with Mary” invites renewed intimacy with Jesus, His Sacred Heart, and God’s Mercy. In 2014 after Bishop Baker had received a positive response to the published Via Gaudéte (Way of Joy) from a USCCB review, Edmonds’ series and documentary were incorporated into the Incarnation Module of the new Diocese of Birmingham Catechetical Institute (